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IMS Laboratory Bat A31
351 cours de la Libéra9on
33405 Talence
SANE team 1. Effects of 5G signal (3.5 GHz) on brain cells in vitro : cell cultures, flow cytometry, Bioluminescence Resonance Electron Transmission BRET spectroscopy
2. Effects of 5G signal (3.5 and 26 GHz) on 3D epidermal models and 3D corneal models (cell cultures, PCR, flow cytometry)
3. Effects of 5G signal (3.5 GHz) on thermoregulation in mice: authorization to experiment
on live animals, western blot …
4. Electroporation: Effects of nanoseconds pulsed electric fields at the cellular and molecular levels: cell cultures and BRET spectroscopy signal measurement

1. Dr. Isabelle Lagroye
 2. Dr. Florence Poulletier d.G. 
3. Dr. Rosa Orlacchio
4. Dr.Yann Percherancier
University of Montpellier and IMT Mines Ales
34090 Montpellier
EuroStim within EuroMov Digital Health in Motion

Threshold for magnetophosphenes perception at 50 and 60 Hz – study replication
• Human vestibular response to powerline frequency magnetic fields up to 100 mT, vestibule-ocular torsion reflex.
• Experimental threshold for peripheral nerve stimulation induced by 50/60 Hz magnetic field in humans.
• Experimental threshold for peripheral nerve stimulation induced by 50 kHz magnetic field in humans (pending).
• Effects of extremely low frequency magnetic field (up to 80 mT) on human working memory and associated electroencephalographic activity. 
Prof. Alexander Legros
263 Avenue du Général Leclerc 35042 Rennes
eWAVES (Electromagnetic Waves in Complex Media)1.1 Multi-scale human body modelling
1.2 Coupled multi-physics problems
1.3 Novel methods and concepts for BioEM
1.4 Wireless sensors for medical applications
1.5 Exposure reduction techniques.
1.6 Body-centric wireless networks.
1.7 Millimeter-wave technologies.
1.8 Wireless power transfer for BioEM
1.9 Bio-inspired EM systems and technologies
2.1 Wearable devices – On-body antennas-
2.2 Radars for medical applications
2.3 Flexible electronics2.4 mmW phantoms
1. Dr. Maxim Zhadobov
2. Dr. Giulia Sacco
XLIM Research Institute,  123, Avenue Albert Thomas – 87060 Limonges Cedex
MIcro and Nanostructures for Telecommunications – MINT – Bioelectrodynamic group• BioEM single cell characterization
• Cell electromanipulation
• High frequency dielectrophoresis
• Microfluidic Lab-On-Chip
• Cancer diagnosis

Dr Pothier Arnaud