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Emeritus Member

An Emeritus Members fulfills the requirements for a Member, but has become Emeritus or retired at the member's own institution and is not actively employed. Such a Member has all the rights and privileges of members. Regular membership for one year is required before admission to emeritus or retired status.

Emeritus member privileges:

Enjoy all the rights and privileges of a Full Member

Vote in the general assembly

Hold Office


Associate Member

Any person having an interest in bioelectromagnetics or allied fields but whose professional activities are in another area.

Associate member privileges:

Vote in the general assembly

Hold Office



Any pre-doctoral students at degree-granting institutes having an interest in bioelectromagnetics or allied fields but whose professional activities are in another area. Student membership shall be terminated upon the award of a PhD, ScD, MD or equivalent degree.

Associate member privileges;

Vote in the general assembly

Hold Office


Honorary Member

A member of any class who has distinguished him-/herself in the service of the Society, the European Bioelectromagnetics Association or The Bioelectromagnetics Society. All the rights and obligations of a Full Member apply, but they are exempt from the membership fee.

An Honorary Member:


Hold Office

No Fee