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PhD position in Bioelectromagnetics

3 years of doctoral contract from October, 1st 2024

PhD Offer – Electromagnetic/haptic interfaces for human-centered communications

Objective of the PhD project: The project will contribute to the development of the new generation of wearable devices. It aims at the design of super-directive antenna arrays on conformal and stretchable substrates in the upper part of the microwave spectrum (26–28GHz band and 60GHz band).

Higher EMF Scientist– Electromagnetic Field Dosimetry (2 positions)

UKHSA’s Radiation, Chemical and Environment (RCE) Hazards Directorate provides advice, research and services to protect the public from exposure to chemicals and poisons, ionising and non-ionising radiation, and other environmental hazards. RCE provides a specialist assessment and advice function within UKHSA’s overall response as a Category 1 responder to radiation and chemical emergencies. RCE has an extensive and diverse research function part of which is carried out in the context of NIHR Health Protection Research Units.

PhD Students, PostDocs, and Senior Engineers in Electromagnetics

The Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society (IT’IS), an independent, nonprofit research organization closely associated with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, is currently seeking

PhD Students, PostDocs, and Senior Engineers in Electromagnetics

to strengthen our near-field research team.

IT’IS, together with its partner organizations Schmid & Partner Engineering AG (SPEAG), ZMT Zurich MedTech AG (ZMT) and TI Solutions AG, forms the Zurich43 alliance. Z43’s dedicated mission is to expand the knowledge and technology for the (i) characterization, optimization, and application of the electromagnetic (EM) near-field and (ii) predictive modelling of interactions between physical agents and physiology in complex anatomies.

Research Engineer (m/f)

Research & Engineering Electromagnetics, Numerical Simulations and/or Hardware Design is your passion.