10th May 2024

Gulia Sacco

STM project:

Wearable strEtchAble inteRfaceS for athletes’ PerfORmance and healTh monitoring (WEARSPORT)


Home institution:

IETR – UMR CNRS Rennes, France

Host institution:

Institute of Bioelectronics Northwestern University – US Illinois

Laura Caramazza

STM project:

“IDEA”: Innovating Dielectric spectroscopy through Advanced experiments and modeling


Home institution:

Sapienza University of Roma, Italy

Host institution:

CNRS Tolosa, France

Rosa Orlacchio

STM project:

Macroscopic and microscopic dosimetry at millimeter waves (MMW) and with pulsed electric fields (PEF)


Home institution:

Laboratory IMS-Talence (Laboratory for the lntegration from Material to System) and EPHE-Paris (École Pratique des Hautes Étude), France

Host institution:

ENEA (ltalian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economy Development), Italy

Sangin Qahtan

STM project:

Assessing Personal Exposure to 5G RF-EMF Emissions: Validating Field Measurements using BWDM Device in the Netherlands and Malaysia


Home institution:

University Putra Malaysia

Host institution:

The Hague Univ. Of Applied Science, The Nederlands

Seppe Segers

STM project:

5G-Genotox (Genotoxic effects of 5G RF exposure in human keratinocytes: a comparison between FR1 and FR2 frequency band


Home institution:

Sciensano, Belgium

Host institution:

Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment – National Research Council of Italy IREA-CNR, Naples, Italy