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Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering
University of Pavia
Ferrata 5
27100 Pavia
Microwave Laboratory/
Bioengineering Laboratory
• Dielectric characterization of biological samples
• Tissue-mimicking phantoms
• Microwave/mm-wave radar imaging for cancer detection

Dr. Simona Di Meo
University of Cassino and Southern
Lazio. Via G. di Biasio
43 – 03043 – Cassino (FR)
Microwave Laboratory (mu-Lab)
Director Prof. Marco Donald Migliore
• Design and characterization of exposure systems
• Electromagnetic characterization of materials
• Numerical dosimetry
• EMF measurements
Prof. Fulvio Schettino
Department for Life Quality Studies
University of Bologna
Via San Donato 19/2
40127 Bologna
Neurophysiology Research Unit• In human neocortical neurons derived from induced. Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs), we study the effect of 5G exposure on:
a) ion channel function, by patch-clamp recording
b) action potential firing rate and network activity, by Multi Electrode Array (MEA) recording
c) DNA methylation, by high-throughput microarrays in a case-control design
• In human keratinocytes, we study the effect of 5G exposure on: 
a) TRPV ion channel function, by patch-clamp recording
b) intracellular calcium concentration, by fluorescence live imaging microscopy
c) DNA methylation, by high-throughput microarrays in a case-control design
Prof. Giorgio Aicardi
Via Anguillarese 301
00123 Rome
Division of Biotechnologies Laboratory of Red Biotechnologies (BIOTECH-RED)
Reaserch Grouop in Bioelectromagnetics
• In vitro and in vivo exposures on different biological models
• Numerical and experimental dosimetry and modelling
• Pulsed electric field applications in oncology and regenerative medicine
• TMS applications and dosimetry
• AI based algorithms for EM-based medical applications
• Exposure systems design and development
Dr. Caterina Merla,
National Research Council of Italy (CNR) – Institute for Elecromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA)
Via Diocleziano 328
80124 Naples
1. Bioelectromagnetic Laboratory (BioEMLab)

2. MEDEM (Medical Electromagnetics Laboratory)
1.1 Study of interaction mechanisms of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) with mammalian cell cultures by means of cellular and molecular techniques 
1.2 Evaluation of combined effects of RF-EMF with other physical and chemical agents
1.3 Design, realization and characterization of RF exposure systems for cell cultures
1.4 Study of electroporation phenomenon by means of experimental activities on cell cultures exposed in bulk or real-time conditions

2. Computational and experimental research activities on:
2.1 microwave imaging for medical diagnostics (mainly but not limited to breast cancer and brain stroke.
2.2 microwave imaging for thermal treatments monitoring (ablation, hyperthermia).
2.3 contrast enhanced microwave imaging (breast cancer diagnosis, bone structural healing).
2.4 tissue mimicking material and phantoms implementation.
2.5 computational methods for microwave imaging and treatment planning.
1. Dr. Olga Zeni

2. Dr. Rosa Scapaticci