25th January 2023 - 10 Min Read

The BioEM society is excited to announce BioEM 2023 , the second international conference on bioelectromagnetics, will be held in Oxford, United Kingdom from June 18-23, 2023.

In response to the requests from delegates, the deadline of abstract submissions has been extended to February 15, 2023 ( 23:59 GMT). Please note that the new deadline is final and will not be extended further.

BioEM 2023 is the ideal platform to share your science and get unparalleled access to a global network of active scientists in the field of bioelectromagnetics.

This conference highlights advances across many important areas of bioelectromagnetics including fundamental mechanisms, modeling/dosimetry, biological effects, regulations and medical applications from static to THz frequencies.

We invite abstracts (in English) for platform presentations and poster sessions.
Preferential topics fall within, but are not limited to, the following categories:

  • In vitro and in vivo studies
  • Mechanisms of interaction
  • Human studies
  • Epidemiology
  • Electromagnetic dosimetry and modelling
  • Human body modelling and characterization
  • Occupational exposure and risk assessment
  • Standards and public health policy
  • Biological and medical applications
  • Electroporation and pulsed electric field applications

Authors wishing to present their papers are invited to submit a short summary and an extended abstract online.The abstract submission system will be open from 2nd of January 2023. Link to the abstract submission system is now available.

As always, we will be delighted to consider all contributions and we would like to particularly invite platform and poster submissions from students who can also participate in student competition. Furthermore, this year, the registration fee for students has been heavily subsidized to support participation

Important Dates:

• 2 January 2023, Abstract submission system opens
15 February 2023, Extended deadline for abstract submissions
• 30 January 2023, Registration opens
• 31 March 2023, Abstract acceptance notifications
• 30 April 2023, Early registration deadline
• 18 June 2023, Registration closes

Florence Poulletier de Gannes & Yasir Alfadhl

BioEM2023 Technical Program Committee (TPC) Chairs