22nd December 2023
The d’Arsonval Award is the most prestigious award of the BioEM Society in recognition of outstanding achievement in bioelectromagnetics research.
Past D’Arsonval Award recipients include:
Nominations are now being solicited for the 2024 Award. The procedure for administering the Award is presented below in details. To summarize: a Full, Charter or Emeritus Member of BioEM may nominate any person on the basis of extraordinary accomplishment in Bioelectromagnetics; membership of the nominee is not a prerequisite. The BioEM Board agreed that candidates should be nominated by one or more members.
Nominations will be considered by the Awards Committee and previous award winners and the letter (signed by one or multiple BioEM members) and supporting documents (such as a Curriculum Vitae and/or evidence of impact) together with the recommendations of the Committee will be presented to the Board of Directors for decision.
To ensure time for consideration by the Awards Committee, all nominations and supporting documents must reach the Awards Committee by February 29, 2024.
All nominations and correspondence about the Award should be addressed to the Awards Committee:
Description: The purpose of the d’Arsonval Award is to recognize outstanding achievement in research in Bioelectromagnetics. The award consists of a certificate, a € 10.000 honorarium and registration to BioEM2024 will be waived. The award shall be given from time to time at the discretion of the Board of Directors, but no more than one award shall be given in any one year.
Eligibility: The sole requirement is extraordinary accomplishment within the discipline of Bioelectromagnetics, which can consist of exceptional scientific accomplishments or practical application of electromagnetic fields for human benefit. Membership in BioEM is not a requirement.
Criteria and Procedure for Selection of Candidates: A committee composed by the awards committee and previous award winners will be in charge of the selection.
a) Selection of Recipient: Members are invited to submit names and any supporting documents to the Awards Committee. The Committee shall evaluate the credentials of an individual proposed by any Member of the Society. Once one or more candidates have been considered as qualified for the Award, the committee will transmit the selection with supporting information to the Board. Acceptance of any candidate will require a two-thirds majority vote by the Board, with a quorum present. Only one Award shall be given in any year.
b) Restrictions: No member of the Board of BioEM or the Awards Committee shall be considered a nominee for this Award during his/her tenure. Board and Committee members do not submit letters of nomination during their tenure.
c) Timing: Decisions regarding the d’Arsonval award shall be made by the Board before the Annual Meeting at which the award is to be presented. Immediately after the decision, the Chair of the Awards Committee shall notify the candidate, ensure his/her attendance at the Annual Meeting, and request that the candidate present a lecture at the Meeting. The name of the candidate and the title of the lecture shall be published in the program of the meeting.
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