Researcher M/W

Study of the effects of 5G signals on models of skin and cornea

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the radiofrequency (RF) range are one of the most ubiquitous physical agents to which we are exposed daily. Indeed, they are used in a growing number of applications, both for the general public and for professional use. Thus, the pervasive nature of exposure to RF waves from wireless communications in our personal and professional environments raises legitimate questions about their possible health effects. With the rapid deployment of mobile telephony and wireless communications over the past decades, the fifth generation (5G) began to be deployed in France in 2020. While the initial frequency chosen for the introduction of 5G in Europe is between 3.4 and 3.8 GHz, the 26 GHz band, for which few studies have been published, will be deployed in the next five years. As the frequency of 5G signals increases, the depth of wave penetration into human tissue decreases, which means that most of the RF power is absorbed within the skin. Thus, the rise in frequency of 5G carrier waves towards millimeter waves forces to consider the cutaneous tissues which will absorb the RF energy at most at such frequencies. The eye also becomes a potential target tissue, although it is protected by the blinking of the eyelids. While the only known harmful effects of RF exposure are caused by tissue heating, several reports suggest that oxidative stress could nevertheless be induced by exposure to RF fields at levels below guidelines. This effect could be linked to an inflammatory context rarely studied with 5G frequencies.

The mission consists of studying the effects of RF waves at 3.5 GHz and 26 GHz on cellular models including 2D models of skin and 3D models of human epidermis and cornea, on biological parameters such as oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammation, irritation.


• Culture of primary cells, reconstituted human epidermis and cornea
• Exposure of samples to radiofrequency fields
• Realization of biochemical tests (ELISA, flow cytometry, western-blot, etc.)
• Promotion of results (conferences, including for the public; scientific congresses)


• Biology, biochemistry.
• Knowledge of the physiology of the skin and/or the eye (cornea)
• Knowledge of techniques such as ELISA, western-blot, flow cytometry
• 2D, 3D cell cultures
• Teamwork with autonomy in certain positions, analysis and presentation of results • Writing skills (reports, scientific and popular articles)

Work context

The project will be carried out at the IMS laboratory (Laboratory of Integration, from Material to System –, located at the heart of the campus of the University of Bordeaux in Talence near Bordeaux (Gironde, New-Aquitaine), in close collaboration with the other partners of the European consortium of which this project is part. The IMS has about 10,000 m2 of space, including more than 400 m2 of biology laboratories, which makes it possible to carry out studies in bioelectromagnetism and bioelectronics, at the physical-

biology or electronics-biology interface. The project is indeed part of a “Horizon Europe” European project with privileged partners in France (Limoges, Toulouse), Switzerland and the Netherlands.

EPHE-PSL staff: Isabelle Lagroye, Rosa Orlacchio; CNRS staff: Florence Poulletier de Gannes, Yann Percherancier

The application file must include: a motivation letter, a CV, the names and contact details of 2 to 3 references (name, relationship with the candidate, e-mail and telephone number), an electronic copy of your research publications more significant (journal or conference publication).

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