Young Scientist Award in Bioelectromagnetics 

For the second time, the BioEM Board is awarding the Young Scientist Award in Bioelectromagnetics, which celebrates outstanding achievements in Bioelectromagnetics research by young scientists from academia, industry, and government. Eligible candidates must be within 10 years of receiving their PhD and younger than 40 years old as of January 1st of the nomination year.

The Award will consist of a prize of € 5.000, registration waiver for the BioEM Annual Conference, and invited plenary at BioEM highlighting the young scientist’s research. 

Nominations will be invited annually.
To apply candidates need to provide:

  • A curriculum vitæ 
  • A letter describing their innovative contributions to Bioelectromagnetics

Applications will be reviewed by a committee composed of the sitting BioEM President, awards committee, and invited scientists.

The applications will be judged based on:

1. Relevance, innovation and independence research of the candidate,
2. The quality of publications (number, number as first author, h index, etc…),
3. Scientific standing of the candidate as demonstrated in the presented CV (e.g. independent research capabilities, international activities and collaborations, interdisciplinarity studies, fellowship awards, grants, etc…).

Open call: 14th October – 28th February 2025

Decision: end of March 2025.

All nominations and correspondence about the Award should be addressed to the Awards Committee: